Infrasave's Infrared technology delivers improved comfort while slashing fuel consumption and carbon footprint by up to 65%. Our free design services will demonstrate how infrared technology will save you fuel and energy for years to come. Click below to learn more about the benefits of infrared technology.
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Infrasave's radiant heaters provide more comfort and efficiency than any traditional unit heater. Delivering radiant energy is far more efficient than heating up air and blowing it. As much as 80% of the heat generated by forced air is wasted. It floats back up to the ceiling, and is vented to the outside. Infrared Radiant Heaters are the most energy efficient and cost effective way to heat any space.
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Much like the sun on a cold day, you can still feel warm since infrared waves pass through the air and directly heat objects. Unlike traditional heating systems that blow air, Infrasave's infrared heaters provide a higher comfort level without the feeling of air blowing at you.
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